Welcome to the European Micro Robotics Network
This is an open source and open mind network for all members (in foundation).
The aim of this network is sharing fundamentals, experiences and resources regarding development, production and marketing of all kinds of robotic vehicles (walking, flying, driving, swimming or diving). Whether it is the next generation of lawn mowing robots or a "simple" Lego demonstrator - finding people already skilled with special themes will always be a big advantage.

This is the very first introduction page of this network. The future network portal will be completely different.

All civil companies and institutes inside Europe may join this network.

Future (far east) challenges require future thinking - can you imagine one single company / institute able to master all of the above-mentioned topics? A powerful network is the right answer. Unfortunately it´s most common to be a "closed company / institute" inside Europe. There are already lots of effective non-profit communities (e.g. Linux) all over the world. We are ready to be open inside of this network - what about you?

Interested? - in this case we ask you to mail us your complete coordinates as a first contact:

(Company / institute, name, department, URL, mail, phone) webmaster@emrn.org

You will then get more detailed information about this network.

The microdrones GmbH will do the startup leadership for this network.

Most common topics (alphabetical order)

Actuators, adaptive control, aero dynamics, biological navigation, bionic, camera technology, digital telemetry, eletric propulsions, energy carriers, environment acquisition, fathometer, fluid dynamics, fuzzy control, fuel cells, fuel engines, FMCW radar / sonar, geodatic survey, GPS / Galileo, GSM / UMTS, hardware development, hydro dynamics, inertial navigation system, Lego NXT, marketing, material science, microcontrollers, micro inertial measurement unit, micro mechanic, naval technology, obstacle detection, optical flow navigation, optical target tracking, photogrammetry, production, propulsions, robots, sensors, sensor fusion and filtering, sensor networks, simulation, software development, solar technology, submarine, survey, vehicle teaming, virtual robotics, VTOL,Wankel fuel engine...